Is it possible to provide more specific guidelines for drafting PERM advertisements? For example, where there are multiple openings for the job offered which of the following, if not all, would be acceptable: "5 Attorneys," "Attorneys" or "Attorneys, multiple openings"?
According to the Labor Department:
As stated in the advertising requirements provision, the advertisement must provide a description of the vacancy specific enough to apprise U.S. workers of the job opportunity for which certification is sought. At issue in evaluating whether the advertisement meets this criterion is whether the advertisement is written to attract the interest of the greatest number of qualified U.S. workers and encourage them to apply, not whether specific words or phases have, or have not, been used. The advertisement will be reviewed to ensure that it reasonably describes the vacancy and reflects the job opportunity as described on the ETA Form 9089. With respect to the examples, any one of the three can be used as long as it is specific enough, under the circumstances, to apprise U.S. workers of the job opportunity. In any event, if employers feel it necessary, employers may always include more detail.
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