Our attorneys can represent you in U.S. immigration matters regardless of where you are located because U.S. immigration law is federal: you can be in any state, or in any country in the world.

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Immigration News from around the Web

Article: Is CIR Backwards? by Harry DeMell

More options State: All Alabama - AL Alaska - AK American Samoa - AS Arizona - AZ Arkansas - AR California - CA Colorado - CO Connecticut - CT Delaware - DE District of Columbia - DC Federated States of Micronesia - FM Florida - FL Georgia - GA Guam - GU ...

Article: The Trainwreck by Greg Siskind

More options State: All Alabama - AL Alaska - AK American Samoa - AS Arizona - AZ Arkansas - AR California - CA Colorado - CO Connecticut - CT Delaware - DE District of Columbia - DC Federated States of Micronesia - FM Florida - FL Georgia - GA Guam - GU ...

Book ignites immigration debate in Germany

BERLIN, Sept. 3 (UPI) -- As controversy swirls around a book about immigration in Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel says the country must engage in serious debate on the issue. The book on immigration and integration by German central banker Thilo ...

This Weekend Only: Free Access to Ancestry.com's U.S. Immigration Collection/Databases

You will need to register for access but it does not require a credit card. We were asked for only a name and email address. Accessible Databases: + Border Crossing and Passport Records + Search All Citizenship and Naturalization Records + Passenger ...

Official: Honduran survivor of Mexico massacre helped free Ecuadorean migrant, fled with him

TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras - A Honduran who survived the massacre of 72 migrants in Mexico helped untie the only other survivor ? a wounded Ecuadorean ? and the two fled together, an official said Friday. In an interview with El Heraldo newspaper, Honduran ...

Illegal immigration declines sharply in California: report

After years of rapid growth, illegal immigration is slowing down in California, mirroring the overall reduction in the number of illegal immigrants in the country, according to a newly-released report. Californa's share of the nation's estimated 11.1 ...

US Border Patrol Agent Killed In Arizona Crash

Spokesman Omar Candelaria says it's the second agent death this year. FEATURED IN NEWS TUCSON, Ariz. - A U.S. Border Patrol agent was killed in a car accident Thursday near Sells in southern Arizona. The agency provided few details but said the ...

Mexico Urged to Prevent Further Migrant Killings

03 de septiembre de 2010, 15:34Antigua, Guatemala, Sep. 3 (Prensa Latina) Foreign ministers from six Latin American nations and the Dominican Republic urged Mexico to take steps to prevent events like the migrant massacre in Tamaulipas state. The ...

Mexico army kills 27 members of drug cartel in shoot out near U.S. border

Three people who had been kidnapped by the gang were rescued in the raid. ...

Assimilation TodayNew Evidence on the Advancement of Immigrants in Americas Culture and Economy

Washington, D.C. Immigrants to the United States are assimilating at high rates, most notably by becoming citizens and homeowners in the first 18 years of residency, according to a study released today by the Center for American Progress. The study ...

Review: "Machete" a chop at immigration satire

/scriptJeff Fahey, left, is Booth, and Robert De Niro plays Sen. McLaughlin in "Machete." if(requestedWidth 0)} It's not a hard-and-fast rule. So few seem to be. Still, if you're going to take on a hottest-button issue like immigration as satire, or, in ...

U.S. Sen. Grassley: Q & A of constitution day and citizenship day

9/3/2010 Q. What are Constitution Day and Citizenship Day? A. Constitution Day is celebrated on September 17, because the Constitution of the United States was signed on September 17, 1787. Constitution Day is also Citizenship Day, a day that recognizes ...

H-1B Visa Cap for 2011 Has Not Been Met Yet

Is it the economic slowdown or the recent visa fee increase that is keeping H-1B visa applications at bay? Fiscal year 2011 is coming soon, but there is still a big chunk of visa applications available. - With less than one month before fiscal year ...

Ariz. immigration law's legal costs could top $1 million

PHOENIX - Defending the state against lawsuits related to its tough new immigration law has cost more than $440,000 to date, and outstanding bills could easily add up to an excess of $1 million or more. The bills so far cover work and charges incurred ...

Your comments: N.J. faces class-action lawsuit on behalf of legal immigrants losing health benefits in budget cuts

Seton Hall Law School's Center for Social Justice filed a due to recent budget cuts. The NJ.com community has responded to this news with dozens of comments. From NJ.com user JohnQ065: And from brand new NJ.com member vega10: Join the debate by going ...

Mark Engler: Labor Day and Immigration

12:00 pm Undocumented immigrants streaming into this country from south of the border drive down wages and steal jobs that could otherwise go to out-of-work Americans. Right? Wrong. As it turns out, immigrant workers play an important role in building ...

Soldiers kill 25 in gunbattle near US-Mexico border

A shootout between soldiers and purported drug cartel gunmen killed 25 suspects in northern Tamaulipas state, near Mexico's border with Texas, the military said. Troops were patrolling yesterday in the town of General Trevino around noon when they came ...

Former Woodbury health aide accused of groping 2 patients in 2006 is arrested at U.S.-Canadian border

A respiratory therapist accused four years ago of fondling two female patients in Woodbury was arrested Wednesday at the U.S.-Canadian border. After lengthy negotiations, Abdi Elmy Hersy, 49, was picked up by the Washington County sheriff's office ...

Hostage taker smuggled immigrant

(CNN) -- The gunman who held three people hostage at the Discovery Channel headquarters was once convicted of smuggling an illegal immigrant into the country from Mexico. In 2003, James Lee, pleaded guilty to smuggling a woman from Tijuana, according to ...

Mexican soldiers battle gunmen near U.S. border

MONTERREY, Mexico -- Soldiers killed at least 25 suspected cartel members Thursday in a raid and gunbattle in a Mexican state near the U.S. border that has become one of the most dangerous battlegrounds in the country's drug war. A military aircraft ...

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Search for H1B Visa Employers

You can search for "H1B Visa Employers" using this database, which was compiled by Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law from government sources. This database identifies those U.S. employers who have filed for H-1B visas in the past, or who have at least started the process by filing for the LCA. If you find an employer you are interested in, you can then contact them to inquire as to whether they have any current job openings in your field. Please tell your friends about this valuable resource.

Use this form to search for H1B Visa employers.

"FMG Friendly" Employers

Foreign Medical Graduates ("FMGs") should be aware that there are "FMG Friendly" employers, and "FMG Unfriendly" employers. This database (compiled by Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law from government sources) identifies those U.S. employers who have filed for H-1B visas for foreign medical graduates in the past (or at least started the process by filing for the LCA), and who can therefore be deemed "FMG Friendly". Please tell your colleagues about this valuable resource.

Use this form to search for "FMG Friendly" employers in a given state.

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This website located under the world wide web domain "AntaoAndChuang.com" ("website"), and any subdomains, are owned, and maintained by Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law, whose practice includes U.S. Immigration Law. Since U.S. Immigration Law is federal in nature, Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law, serves clients who are located throughout the U.S. and the world in U.S. immigration matters, from their offices located at 521 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1700, New York, N.Y. 10175. Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law’s attorneys are licensed attorneys in the states where they practice. However, since said states do not recognize any specialization in U.S. immigration law (attorneys in said states are simply licensed in said states to practice law in general), Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law does not claim any such specialization, and nothing on this site should be deemed to constitute any such claim. Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law does not claim expertise in the laws of states other than where our attorneys are licensed. This website is an advertisement. This website is provided as a public service and not intended to establish an attorney client relationship. Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law does not accept clients on the strength of advertising materials alone but only after following our own engagement procedures. Any reliance on information contained herein is taken at your own risk. The information contained on this site is intended to educate members of the public generally and is not intended to provide solutions to individual problems. Readers are cautioned not to attempt to solve individual problems solely on the basis of information contained herein and are strongly advised to seek competent legal counsel before relying on information on this site. See Terms of Use.