Our attorneys can represent you in U.S. immigration matters regardless of where you are located because U.S. immigration law is federal: you can be in any state, or in any country in the world.

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Immigration News from around the Web

Canada sends empty trucks across border for loads of U.S. products

Eugene Moser is paying some of his truckers to drive empty half the time. Canadian companies have been asking Cambridge, Ontario-based Challenger Motor Freight Inc. to send empty trucks to the U.S., particularly border states such as Michigan, so they ...

US agent killed in Mexico border shootout

A shootout between US border patrol agents and bandits in the rugged canyons near Mexico's border left one officer dead and a suspect injured, a union official said today.It was the latest outburst of violence along the busiest smuggling corridor into ...

Statement by Senator John McCain Regarding the Border Patrol Agent Killed in The Line of Duty in Arizona (12/15/10)

WASHINGTON, Dec. 15 -- The office of Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., issued the following news release: U.S. Senator John McCain made the following statement regarding Brian A. Terry, a Border Patrol Agent who was killed in the line of duty last night in Rio ...

Joint NBI 6-Immigration ops net American fugitive wanted for sex crimes

Senior Reporter, Philippine News Service (PNS) ILOILO CITY, PHILIPPINES - Joint operatives of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Western Visayas Regional Office (WEVRO) 6 and the Bureau of Immigration captured here a longtime American fugitive. ...

Taiwan, US seeking border security pacts

Taiwan is set to negotiate with the US on three agreements regarding border security issues as part of the governments efforts to qualify the nation as one to which the US government would consider granting visa-waiver status, officials said ...

A New Border Vision And A North American Security Perimeter

BeYourOwnLeader There are numerous reports circulating that Canada and the U.S. are secretly negotiating a security and trade deal which could be signed as early as January 2011. The proposed agreement would establish a security perimeter as a means to ...

Congress passes rare private immigration bills

NASHVILLE, Tenn. Congress has taken the unusual step of waiving immigration restrictions for two Japanese citizens fighting to live in the United States. The private immigration bills passed by the House on Wednesday - they had already been passed by the ...

Rare immigration bills pass US Congress

Congress has tken the unusual step of waiving immigration restrictions for two Japanese citizens fighting to live in the United States. The private immigration bills passed by the House on Wednesday - they had already been passed by the Senate - are the ...

US agent killed in border shoot-out

A shoot-out between US border patrol agents and bandits in the rugged canyons near Mexico's border left one officer dead and a suspect injured. It was the latest outburst of violence along the busiest smuggling corridor into the US The killing in ...

Congress passes rare immigration bills for Marine widow, man whose mother died

NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Congress has taken the unusual step of waiving immigration restrictions for two Japanese citizens fighting to live in the United States. The private immigration bills passed by the House on Wednesday they had already been passed by ...

Potential Canada-U.S. border deal bound to be controversial

According to media reports, the Prime Minister and the President could sign a framework agreement in January to create an integrated continental security perimeter, in exchange for improved flow across the Canada-U.S. border...Though polls show most ...

U.S. Rep. King: Secure the border to honor Agent Terry's life

12/15/2010 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: John Kennedy Office: 202.226.2384 King: Secure the Border to Honor Agent Terrys Life Washington D.C.- Congressman Steve King (R-IA), Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Immigration, released the following ...

Article: DREAM Act Could Come Back To Haunt GOP by Greg Siskind

More options State: All Alabama - AL Alaska - AK American Samoa - AS Arizona - AZ Arkansas - AR California - CA Colorado - CO Connecticut - CT Delaware - DE District of Columbia - DC Federated States of Micronesia - FM Florida - FL Georgia - GA Guam - GU ...

Hundreds gain US citizenship in naturalization ceremony

HOUSTON (KTRK) -- Hundreds of new U.S. citizens raised hands right hands and took their oath of citizenship today. Related Content About 1,500 new citizens from 112 countries and their families attended a naturalization ceremony this morning at the Mo ...

US criticise of Rudd's asylum policy

Secret United States embassy cables have criticised the handling of asylum seekers by former prime minister Kevin Rudd. The cables released by WikiLeaks also accused Labor and the coalition of playing partisan politics with the issue, Fairfax reported on ...

Article: Afghanistan's Best and Brightest Seek Asylum Abroad by Jason Dzubow

More options State: All Alabama - AL Alaska - AK American Samoa - AS Arizona - AZ Arkansas - AR California - CA Colorado - CO Connecticut - CT Delaware - DE District of Columbia - DC Federated States of Micronesia - FM Florida - FL Georgia - GA Guam - GU ...

Another challenge to AZ immigration law dismissed

PHOENIX A federal judge in Phoenix has dismissed another challenge to Arizona's new immigration law. U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton on Wednesday granted the state's motion to dismiss the lawsuit filed in July by the League of United Latin American ...

Rare immigration bills pass Congress

NASHVILLE, Tenn. Congress has taken the unusual step of waiving immigration restrictions for two Japanese citizens fighting to live in the United States. The "private bills" passed by the House on Wednesday - they had already been passed by the Senate - ...

Article: Penalties For Failure To Comply With NRA Withholding And 1042-S Information Reporting by Paula N. Singer, Esq.

More options State: All Alabama - AL Alaska - AK American Samoa - AS Arizona - AZ Arkansas - AR California - CA Colorado - CO Connecticut - CT Delaware - DE District of Columbia - DC Federated States of Micronesia - FM Florida - FL Georgia - GA Guam - GU ...

Article: Deportation Nation: Timeline of Immigrant Criminalization by Matthew Kolken

More options State: All Alabama - AL Alaska - AK American Samoa - AS Arizona - AZ Arkansas - AR California - CA Colorado - CO Connecticut - CT Delaware - DE District of Columbia - DC Federated States of Micronesia - FM Florida - FL Georgia - GA Guam - GU ...

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You can search for "H1B Visa Employers" using this database, which was compiled by Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law from government sources. This database identifies those U.S. employers who have filed for H-1B visas in the past, or who have at least started the process by filing for the LCA. If you find an employer you are interested in, you can then contact them to inquire as to whether they have any current job openings in your field. Please tell your friends about this valuable resource.

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"FMG Friendly" Employers

Foreign Medical Graduates ("FMGs") should be aware that there are "FMG Friendly" employers, and "FMG Unfriendly" employers. This database (compiled by Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law from government sources) identifies those U.S. employers who have filed for H-1B visas for foreign medical graduates in the past (or at least started the process by filing for the LCA), and who can therefore be deemed "FMG Friendly". Please tell your colleagues about this valuable resource.

Use this form to search for "FMG Friendly" employers in a given state.

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This website located under the world wide web domain "AntaoAndChuang.com" ("website"), and any subdomains, are owned, and maintained by Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law, whose practice includes U.S. Immigration Law. Since U.S. Immigration Law is federal in nature, Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law, serves clients who are located throughout the U.S. and the world in U.S. immigration matters, from their offices located at 521 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1700, New York, N.Y. 10175. Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law’s attorneys are licensed attorneys in the states where they practice. However, since said states do not recognize any specialization in U.S. immigration law (attorneys in said states are simply licensed in said states to practice law in general), Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law does not claim any such specialization, and nothing on this site should be deemed to constitute any such claim. Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law does not claim expertise in the laws of states other than where our attorneys are licensed. This website is an advertisement. This website is provided as a public service and not intended to establish an attorney client relationship. Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law does not accept clients on the strength of advertising materials alone but only after following our own engagement procedures. Any reliance on information contained herein is taken at your own risk. The information contained on this site is intended to educate members of the public generally and is not intended to provide solutions to individual problems. Readers are cautioned not to attempt to solve individual problems solely on the basis of information contained herein and are strongly advised to seek competent legal counsel before relying on information on this site. See Terms of Use.