Our attorneys can represent you in U.S. immigration matters regardless of where you are located because U.S. immigration law is federal: you can be in any state, or in any country in the world.

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Immigration News from around the Web

U.S., Mexico try again to end cross-border trucking ban

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Borders US postpones payments, seeks refinancing

Borders US has postponed payments to many suppliers and is urgently seeking refinancing in order to stave off bankruptcy. bordersus retail Email Link Enter an email address you wish to send this link to. Enter a message for any further information you ...

Outrage: US Border Agents Confiscate Kinder Surprise Candy Eggs

"Some people crossing the U.S.-Canadian border are learning one country`s tasty treat tidbit is another`s hidden health hazard, and they don`t like it one bit. The delicious dichotomy concerns the Kinder Surprise candy egg, a popular chocolate treat with ...

Bloggings: Representative Gabrielle Giffords Debating Border Security Funding On House Floor by Matthew Kolken

FIND A LAWYER More options State: All Alabama - AL Alaska - AK American Samoa - AS Arizona - AZ Arkansas - AR California - CA Colorado - CO Connecticut - CT Delaware - DE District of Columbia - DC Federated States of Micronesia - FM Florida - FL Georgia ...


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US Senator pushes to extend Haiti asylum

WASHINGTON (AFP) A US Senator urged President Barack Obama Tuesday to extend a temporary asylum granted to Haitians living illegally in the United States when a devastating earthquake struck their homeland. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York urged ...

Farm lobbying group cautions states on immigration

States that crack down on illegal immigrants should also help farmers who need seasonal labor, the nation's largest farm lobbying group said Tuesday. And if Congress doesn't overhaul immigration, farmers will assist the federal government in helping ...

Article: AILA Needs A New Direction by Harry DeMell

FIND A LAWYER More options State: All Alabama - AL Alaska - AK American Samoa - AS Arizona - AZ Arkansas - AR California - CA Colorado - CO Connecticut - CT Delaware - DE District of Columbia - DC Federated States of Micronesia - FM Florida - FL Georgia ...

Bloggings: ISSA Bill Would Grant 55,000 Green Cards To Us by Greg Siskind

FIND A LAWYER More options State: All Alabama - AL Alaska - AK American Samoa - AS Arizona - AZ Arkansas - AR California - CA Colorado - CO Connecticut - CT Delaware - DE District of Columbia - DC Federated States of Micronesia - FM Florida - FL Georgia ...

Re: Berkeley Chancellor Ties Loughner to Immigration Reform

It was only a matter of time before someone from the ivory tower decided to play Six Degrees of Sarah Palin with public comments. Speaking of hate, I wonder how many cars in Berkeley still have "Buck Fush" bumper stickers on them? I also wonder if one ...

Article: Obama is to Blame for the Failure of Immigration Reform by Charles Kuck

FIND A LAWYER More options State: All Alabama - AL Alaska - AK American Samoa - AS Arizona - AZ Arkansas - AR California - CA Colorado - CO Connecticut - CT Delaware - DE District of Columbia - DC Federated States of Micronesia - FM Florida - FL Georgia ...

Jury seated in Posada immigration trial in Texas

Question-and-answer sessions that went two days with 130 jury candidates produced a jury Tuesday consisting of five men and seven women on Tuesday. ...

Berkeley Chancellor Ties Loughner to Immigration Reform

From U.C. Berkeley chancellor Robert Birgeneaus latest statement : Such a brutal and violent attackcalls upon us as an academic community to stop and ponder the climate in which such an act can be contemplated, even by a mind that is ...

Shot US Congresswoman criticised tough Arizona immigration laws - 11 Jan 11

The man accused of attempting to assassinate US Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has appeared in court to face charges of murder and attempted murder. Representative Gabrielle Giffords, an Arizona Democrat, and 18 others were shot Saturday morning when a ...

Iraqi immigrant to stand trial in daughter's death

PHOENIX An Iraqi immigrant accused of killing his daughter because he believed she was too Westernized will go to trial in Phoenix after he failed to reach a plea deal with prosecutors. Prosecutors and defense attorneys for Faleh Hassan Almaleki ...

Innovation requires immigration, top U.S. executives say

LAS VEGAS ? If the United States wants to pursue innovation and compete on the global stage, it must lower its borders and allow talent to flood in, the executives of top American corporations said on Friday. In a panel discussion at the 2011 Consumer ...

High Court Denies Obama Citizenship Case

The U.S. Supreme Court refused Monday to take up the question of President Obama's citizenship, which a core group of skeptics continues to challenge despite presentation of his U.S. birth certificate. The high court, without comment, rejected the ...

Local farms sprout on the US/Mexico borderlands

Well-established in north-central New Mexico, local growers' markets are now expanding in the southern New Mexico borderland. Recently, representatives of four regional farmers' markets banded together to form the Southern New Mexico Farmers Marketing ...

'Parent One, Parent Two' replace 'Mother, Father' on U.S. passport forms

SACRAMENTO, calif. Brown calls for personal sacrifices Gov. Jerry Brown said Monday he will ask a deeply divided California electorate to decide what they want from state government and how much they are willing to pay for it, bringing the state's fiscal ...

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Search for H1B Visa Employers

You can search for "H1B Visa Employers" using this database, which was compiled by Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law from government sources. This database identifies those U.S. employers who have filed for H-1B visas in the past, or who have at least started the process by filing for the LCA. If you find an employer you are interested in, you can then contact them to inquire as to whether they have any current job openings in your field. Please tell your friends about this valuable resource.

Use this form to search for H1B Visa employers.

"FMG Friendly" Employers

Foreign Medical Graduates ("FMGs") should be aware that there are "FMG Friendly" employers, and "FMG Unfriendly" employers. This database (compiled by Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law from government sources) identifies those U.S. employers who have filed for H-1B visas for foreign medical graduates in the past (or at least started the process by filing for the LCA), and who can therefore be deemed "FMG Friendly". Please tell your colleagues about this valuable resource.

Use this form to search for "FMG Friendly" employers in a given state.

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This website located under the world wide web domain "AntaoAndChuang.com" ("website"), and any subdomains, are owned, and maintained by Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law, whose practice includes U.S. Immigration Law. Since U.S. Immigration Law is federal in nature, Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law, serves clients who are located throughout the U.S. and the world in U.S. immigration matters, from their offices located at 521 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1700, New York, N.Y. 10175. Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law’s attorneys are licensed attorneys in the states where they practice. However, since said states do not recognize any specialization in U.S. immigration law (attorneys in said states are simply licensed in said states to practice law in general), Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law does not claim any such specialization, and nothing on this site should be deemed to constitute any such claim. Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law does not claim expertise in the laws of states other than where our attorneys are licensed. This website is an advertisement. This website is provided as a public service and not intended to establish an attorney client relationship. Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law does not accept clients on the strength of advertising materials alone but only after following our own engagement procedures. Any reliance on information contained herein is taken at your own risk. The information contained on this site is intended to educate members of the public generally and is not intended to provide solutions to individual problems. Readers are cautioned not to attempt to solve individual problems solely on the basis of information contained herein and are strongly advised to seek competent legal counsel before relying on information on this site. See Terms of Use.