Our attorneys can represent you in U.S. immigration matters regardless of where you are located because U.S. immigration law is federal: you can be in any state, or in any country in the world.

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Immigration News from around the Web

Immigration reform should include national ID cards

Do you like this story? The White House has created a new agency to combat illegal immigration that's long overdue. The Employment Compliance Inspection Center will be an audit office designed to "pore over the I-9 employee files" and make sure that ...

Portland City Council to make decision by Feb. 23 on U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement project

The new timeline gives city leaders another two weeks to make a decision on the controversial proposal for a 65,000-square-foot facility that would include about 95 percent office space and about 5 percent for a processing center. The processing center ...

Luis Posada Carriles trial: Immigration papers raised red flags, official says

U.S. immigration official Susanna Bolanos was concerned when she read the application for citizenship filed by CIA-trained exile Luis Posada Carriles. ...

Tyson Foods Becomes First Major Food Company to Join U.S. Immigration Agencys IMAGE Program

WASHINGTON, Jan. 20, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tyson Foods, Inc. (NYSE: TSN) is the first major food company to become a full member of the IMAGE program with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), company and government officials announced ...

U.S. Based Business 'Target' Expand Beyond Borders

Headquartered in Minnesota, Target has been long aware that more then 10% of its Canadian customers are crossing their southern border to chase "Cheap Chic." Now "Tar-jay" has officially announced a Canada expansion to better accommodate loyal shoppers. ...

In-state tuition for illegal immigrants proposed

This article is available to registered guests only. Register or subscribe now, or login below, to continue reading. Have an account? LOGIN HERE Email Password Keep me logged in Education Week print subscriber: Check here to claim your FREE premium ...

GAO Report Adds Needed Transparency to H-1B Visa Debates

Two things I know about H-1B visas: There's no shortage of opinions about them, many of them negative, and there's surprisingly little reliable data about the controversial visas. When the MercuryNews.com in 2007 asked companies including Cisco and HP ...

Telephonics Electronic Systems Division Selected by US Customs and Border Protection to supply Mobile Surveillance Capability (M

Telephonics Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Griffon Corporation (NYSE:GFF), announced today that its Electronic Systems Division has been awarded a contract from the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to supply Mobile Surveillance ...

Bloggings: Mississippi Senate Approves Arizona-Style Bill by Greg Siskind

FIND A LAWYER More options State: All Alabama - AL Alaska - AK American Samoa - AS Arizona - AZ Arkansas - AR California - CA Colorado - CO Connecticut - CT Delaware - DE District of Columbia - DC Federated States of Micronesia - FM Florida - FL Georgia ...

GAO Report Adds Transparency to H-1B Debate

Two things I know about H-1B visas: There's no shortage of opinions about them, many of them negative, and there's surprisingly little reliable data about the controversial visas. When the MercuryNews.com in 2007 asked companies including Cisco and HP ...

News: DOL Announces Publication Of Final Rule On Wage Methodology For H-2B Program

FIND A LAWYER More options State: All Alabama - AL Alaska - AK American Samoa - AS Arizona - AZ Arkansas - AR California - CA Colorado - CO Connecticut - CT Delaware - DE District of Columbia - DC Federated States of Micronesia - FM Florida - FL Georgia ...

US Customs & Border Patrol Protecting America From Chocolate Toy Eggs (And Charging You For The Privilege)

We're still waiting for a good explanation of why Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement group is involved in internet copyright issues that have nothing to do with either immigration or customs enforcement, but it appears that those ...

Telephonics Electronic Systems Division Selected by US Customs and Border Protection to supply Mobile Surveillance Capability (M

Telephonics Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Griffon Corporation (NYSE:GFF), announced today that its Electronic Systems Division has been awarded a contract from the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to supply Mobile Surveillance ...

Birthright citizenship; Cuba, the U.S. and terrorism; unrest in Tunisia

Re "Talking about talk in Tucson," Column One, Jan. 13. Jon Justice, a Tucson talk-show host, says, "Ultimately it's the responsibility of the individual to take that, whatever they see, and do with that what they want." He seems to believe that people ...

News: DOL Publishes Final Rule On Wage Methodology For H-2B Program

FIND A LAWYER More options State: All Alabama - AL Alaska - AK American Samoa - AS Arizona - AZ Arkansas - AR California - CA Colorado - CO Connecticut - CT Delaware - DE District of Columbia - DC Federated States of Micronesia - FM Florida - FL Georgia ...

Massive Sewage Spill At US/Mexico Border

One of the most contaminated regions in California got blasted again recently when a main sewer line began leaking up to 1.3 million gallons of well, pure shit. The Imperial Beach/Tijuana Sloughs area is home to some incredible surf, surf which wont ...

Mexican Teen's Family Sues U.S. for Border Shooting

Judge Napolitano breaks down case You must have JavaScript enabled to watch video Get Updates from Fox News Video on ...

Telephonics Electronic Systems Division Selected by US Customs and Border Protection to supply Mobile Surveillance Capability (M

FARMINGDALE, N.Y. Telephonics Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Griffon Corporation (NYSE:GFF - News), announced today that its Electronic Systems Division has been awarded a contract from the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to supply ...

Billion-dollar Boeing Fence on U.S.-Mexico Border Canceled

(IPS) - One billion dollars and just over four years after Boeing won a contract to build a "virtual fence" on the Arizona-Mexico border, the high-tech project was canceled last week by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) amid widespread ...

Judicial Watch and Maryland Delegate Pat McDonough to Hold Press Conference Announcing New Lawsuit Related to Illegal Immigratio

PR Newswire ANNAPOLIS, Md., Jan. 19, 2011 ANNAPOLIS, Md., Jan. 19, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton and Maryland Delegate Pat McDonough will be on hand to discuss important information regarding a newly filed lawsuit ...

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Search for H1B Visa Employers

You can search for "H1B Visa Employers" using this database, which was compiled by Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law from government sources. This database identifies those U.S. employers who have filed for H-1B visas in the past, or who have at least started the process by filing for the LCA. If you find an employer you are interested in, you can then contact them to inquire as to whether they have any current job openings in your field. Please tell your friends about this valuable resource.

Use this form to search for H1B Visa employers.

"FMG Friendly" Employers

Foreign Medical Graduates ("FMGs") should be aware that there are "FMG Friendly" employers, and "FMG Unfriendly" employers. This database (compiled by Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law from government sources) identifies those U.S. employers who have filed for H-1B visas for foreign medical graduates in the past (or at least started the process by filing for the LCA), and who can therefore be deemed "FMG Friendly". Please tell your colleagues about this valuable resource.

Use this form to search for "FMG Friendly" employers in a given state.

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This website located under the world wide web domain "AntaoAndChuang.com" ("website"), and any subdomains, are owned, and maintained by Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law, whose practice includes U.S. Immigration Law. Since U.S. Immigration Law is federal in nature, Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law, serves clients who are located throughout the U.S. and the world in U.S. immigration matters, from their offices located at 521 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1700, New York, N.Y. 10175. Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law’s attorneys are licensed attorneys in the states where they practice. However, since said states do not recognize any specialization in U.S. immigration law (attorneys in said states are simply licensed in said states to practice law in general), Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law does not claim any such specialization, and nothing on this site should be deemed to constitute any such claim. Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law does not claim expertise in the laws of states other than where our attorneys are licensed. This website is an advertisement. This website is provided as a public service and not intended to establish an attorney client relationship. Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law does not accept clients on the strength of advertising materials alone but only after following our own engagement procedures. Any reliance on information contained herein is taken at your own risk. The information contained on this site is intended to educate members of the public generally and is not intended to provide solutions to individual problems. Readers are cautioned not to attempt to solve individual problems solely on the basis of information contained herein and are strongly advised to seek competent legal counsel before relying on information on this site. See Terms of Use.