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Immigration News from around the Web

Bloggings: Fifty Million Environmental Refugees by 2020 by Jason Dzubow

FIND A LAWYER More options State: All Alabama - AL Alaska - AK American Samoa - AS Arizona - AZ Arkansas - AR California - CA Colorado - CO Connecticut - CT Delaware - DE District of Columbia - DC Federated States of Micronesia - FM Florida - FL Georgia ...

Article: The Midnight Society by Anthony Guidice

FIND A LAWYER More options State: All Alabama - AL Alaska - AK American Samoa - AS Arizona - AZ Arkansas - AR California - CA Colorado - CO Connecticut - CT Delaware - DE District of Columbia - DC Federated States of Micronesia - FM Florida - FL Georgia ...

Article: Compliance Alert: I-9 Central Website Coming Soon by John Fay

FIND A LAWYER More options State: All Alabama - AL Alaska - AK American Samoa - AS Arizona - AZ Arkansas - AR California - CA Colorado - CO Connecticut - CT Delaware - DE District of Columbia - DC Federated States of Micronesia - FM Florida - FL Georgia ...

Lefties Outflank Deal on Immigration?

It seems that even lefty amnesty advocate Cynthia Tucker, a columnist at Atlanta's remaining newspaper, understands E-Verify better than the state's Republican governor: If employers were to risk heavy penalties for hiring illegally penalties ...

$600,000 worth of cocained seized by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers in south Texasthis weekend discovered cocaine valued at approximately $598,400 concealed within a Volkswagen Jetta. On Sunday, February 27,the officers at the Brownsville and Matamoros International ...

Bil would ease driver's license restrictions for non-citizens

Oregon would issue drivers licenses based on tests and insurance, not proof of legal presence, under a bill backed by immigrant-rights, Latino and religious organizations. But the bills chief sponsor said today the issue involved is public safety ...

Could You Pass The US Citizenship Test?

Sorry, this quiz requires frames support. Please download an updated version. Sorry, this quiz requires JavaScript. Please consider turning JavaScript on in your browser. ...

Obamas Failure to Enforce Federal Immigration Law Is Dereliction of Duties, Congressional Witness Claims

Carol Swain, professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University, said at a March 1 House hearing on immigration that President Barack Obama's failure to enforce federal immigration laws a 'dereliction of duties.' (CNSNews.com/Penny Starr) ...

New Ga. Bill Questions President's Citizenship

ATLANTA -- Georgia is the latest state to propose legislation to question whether President Barack Obama was born in the U.S.Georgia Rep. Mark Hatfield, a Republican, said he introduced the bill Monday because he still doesn't know if Obama is eligible ...

Far-Right African Americans Chosen to Testify to Congress on Immigration

02/24/2011: Bryan Fischer: American Indians Should Have Assimilated Editor's Pick 02/23/2011: SPLC Hate Group Count Tops 1,000 as Radical Right Expansion Continues 12/15/2010: SPLC Responds to Attack by FRC, Conservative Republicans Archives SPLC ...

Government scrutiny of H-1B employers' workplace practices continues to increase

As a recent decision by the Department of Labors Wage and Hour Division illustrates, employers of H-1B nonimmigrant workers continue to face intense scrutiny from government agencies. Under the H-1B program, employers may temporarily hire foreign workers ...

A nation of hypocrites on illegal immigration

WASHINGTON As House Republicans searched for waste, fraud and abuse in the federal budget, they quickly learned that there isnt enough dumb spending to put a major dent in the deficit. So they ended up sacrificing some of their own sacred cows, ...

US agent's killing in Mexico highlights menace of cross-border gun trade

A gun sold in Texas was used during last month's slaying of a US special agent in Mexico, officials said Tuesday, a revelation that is shifting scrutiny in the case away from Mexico's weak rule of law to America's gun laws. One of three guns fired in the ...

Hill Witness: Obama Derelict in Immigration Duty

A House panel was told on Tuesday that the U.S. government's failure to enforce federal immigration law amounts to a "dereliction of duties" by President Barack Obama. President Obamas failure to enforce federal immigration laws raises the question ...

Law Professor to Congress: Obamas Failure to Enforce Immigration Law Is Dereliction of Duties'

Carol Swain, professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University, said at a March 1 House hearing on immigration that President Barack Obama's failure to enforce federal immigration laws a 'dereliction of duties.' (CNSNews.com/Penny Starr) ...

US warns Pinoys on 'Diversity Visa scam'

THE United States Embassy in Manila on Wednesday warned Filipinos against being victimized by the Diversity Visa (DV) scam e-mail, which is used as a cover for scams or identity theft. read more ...

New Ga. Bill Question's President's Citizenship

ATLANTA -- Georgia is the latest state to propose legislation to question whether President Barack Obama was born in the U.S.Georgia Rep. Mark Hatfield, a Republican, said he introduced the bill Monday because he still doesn't know if Obama is eligible ...

Investors Representing More Than $145 Billion Call for Immigration Reform

Policy reform that includes a path to citizenship essential for long-term growth and a fair society PR Newswire BOSTON, March 2, 2011 BOSTON, March 2, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- More than 60 institutional investors are calling on CEOs of the leading ...

Refugee from Mexicos Murder Capital Seeks Asylum in U.S.

CHICAGO Patricia Davila is hoping for a ray of sunshine in the form of political asylum in the United States after fleeing drug-related carnage in her native Mexico. Its been a little more than a year since Davila lost two nephews when cartel ...

Suspected iguana meat seized at U.S. border

(CNN) -- Two ingredients were missing this weekend when a mix probably meant for tamales was seized at the Texas-Mexico border: Corn husks and a permit to import iguana meat. Agriculture specialists with on Sunday discovered nearly 58 pounds of alleged ...

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Search for H1B Visa Employers

You can search for "H1B Visa Employers" using this database, which was compiled by Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law from government sources. This database identifies those U.S. employers who have filed for H-1B visas in the past, or who have at least started the process by filing for the LCA. If you find an employer you are interested in, you can then contact them to inquire as to whether they have any current job openings in your field. Please tell your friends about this valuable resource.

Use this form to search for H1B Visa employers.

"FMG Friendly" Employers

Foreign Medical Graduates ("FMGs") should be aware that there are "FMG Friendly" employers, and "FMG Unfriendly" employers. This database (compiled by Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law from government sources) identifies those U.S. employers who have filed for H-1B visas for foreign medical graduates in the past (or at least started the process by filing for the LCA), and who can therefore be deemed "FMG Friendly". Please tell your colleagues about this valuable resource.

Use this form to search for "FMG Friendly" employers in a given state.

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This website located under the world wide web domain "AntaoAndChuang.com" ("website"), and any subdomains, are owned, and maintained by Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law, whose practice includes U.S. Immigration Law. Since U.S. Immigration Law is federal in nature, Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law, serves clients who are located throughout the U.S. and the world in U.S. immigration matters, from their offices located at 521 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1700, New York, N.Y. 10175. Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law’s attorneys are licensed attorneys in the states where they practice. However, since said states do not recognize any specialization in U.S. immigration law (attorneys in said states are simply licensed in said states to practice law in general), Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law does not claim any such specialization, and nothing on this site should be deemed to constitute any such claim. Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law does not claim expertise in the laws of states other than where our attorneys are licensed. This website is an advertisement. This website is provided as a public service and not intended to establish an attorney client relationship. Antao & Chuang, Attorneys at Law does not accept clients on the strength of advertising materials alone but only after following our own engagement procedures. Any reliance on information contained herein is taken at your own risk. The information contained on this site is intended to educate members of the public generally and is not intended to provide solutions to individual problems. Readers are cautioned not to attempt to solve individual problems solely on the basis of information contained herein and are strongly advised to seek competent legal counsel before relying on information on this site. See Terms of Use.